The Home Screen makes it easy to quickly access all the key areas of your patient and agency information.

1 Main MenuThe items on the menu will be visible based on the User's assigned roles
2NewsUpdates to the software will be announced here. A red dot will indicate new updates
User Profile
Change password and log out
4Messages ShortcutQuick access to messages sent by other users
5Schedule ShortcutView your schedule of visits and non-visit activity
6Documents ShortcutView your Private documents (drafts)
7OverviewQuick statistics of your agency
8Assigned PatientsPatients that you have visits scheduled for or you have been assigned to their Care Team
Click the MRN link to go to the Patient's dashboard
Patient Information
View summary of patient information
MRNClick to go to the Patient Dashboard
New Message
Click to view new message regarding the patient
HelpSearch for Help documentation, submit support ticket