Physicians that do not use HospiceWorks (External Physicians) can sign orders on paper and then the signed order can be uploaded to HospiceWorks and validated.  

  1. Create the Order as usual to the point where the Physician Signature is required.  Notice the orange Validate section at the bottom of the order. 

    Note: if the physician is a HospiceWorks user you will not see the Validate option as they should sign their orders online. 

  2. Print the Order by clicking the Print button top right or fax the order by clicking the arrow next to the Print button. 

  3. When the signed order is returned, upload it to the Patient's chart

  4. Click on Public under Documents and click View next to the order. Click the Validate button at the bottom and select the signed order that was uploaded.

  5. Click the green validate button. Click the View button if you would like to see the signed order. It will open in another window. Click Validate button. 

  6. There will now be a notification that the document has been validated. If the wrong document was attached, click Change Upload button.