The Create New Documentation option is accessed from the Patient Dashboard > Things you can do dropdown.
This is where you can create new orders, Coordination of Care notes, Bereavement Risk Assessment and a host of other document types.
For Visit Notes, you can start the note from the schedule visit on the Calendar
Full list of available documents:
- Bereavement Assessment Post Death
- Bereavement Risk Assessment
- Bereavement Risk Assessment Update
- Coordination of Care
- Discharge Summary
- Face to Face Visit
- Hospice Aide Assignment
- Hospice Aide Visit Note
- Hospice Criteria Review
- Infection Report
- Initial Nursing Assessment
- Inpatient Care and Coordination
- Medication Evaluation and Review
- Medication Refill
- Nursing Assessment Update
- Nursing Visit Note
- Palliative Care Quality Questionnaire
- Patient Incident Report
- Patient Notification Hospice Non Covered Items, Services and Drugs
- Physician Order
- Physician Visit Note
- Post Mortem Visit
- Psychosocial Assessment
- Respite Care and Coordination
- SOAP Visit Note
- Social Services Assessment Update
- Spiritual Assessment
- Spiritual Assessment Update
- Therapy Visit Note
- Volunteer Services
- Volunteer Visit Note
- Wound and Skin Assessment/Treatment